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Darwin Correspondence Project

From Emil Rade1   [before 16] February 18772

Münster i./Westf.

im Februar 1877.

Hochverehrter Herr!

Mit der hier beifolgenden Ehrengabe deutscher Vertreter der freien Naturforschung und deutscher Verehrer des grossen Meisters und Vorbildes bringen dieselben zu dem Tage, an welchem vor nun 69 Jahren Ihr für die Welt so bedeutungsvolles Leben begonnen hat, mit hohem Dankgefühl, in aufrichtiger Bewunderung und in ehrfurchtsvoller Liebe ihre innigsten Glückwünsche dar.3 Möge es Ihnen, Sir, vergönnt sein noch lange zu wirken für die Wissenschaft und noch lange zu geniessen die Früchte Ihres ruhm- und thatenreichen Lebens!

Ihrem Auge, hochverehrter Herr, vor dem so manches dunkel geschwunden; Ihrem Geiste, der so viele Räthsel gelöst, wird auch nicht verborgen bleiben, warum an diesem Tage nicht Alle erscheinen, die da theilhaftig geworden sind Ihrer unschätzbaren Gaben—die aber erschienen, sind auch vereinigt in dem festen Vorsatze: die Fackel, welche Sie, Sir, uns entzündet hochzuhalten durch alle Finsterniss und mitzuwirken, dass sie zu einer Sonne werde für die gegenwärtigen und zukünftigen Generationen.

Mir aber, dem es gelungen ist, die Blüthe deutscher Forscher in dieser Anerkennung Ihrer unsterblichen Verdienste um die Wissenschaft zu vereinigen, gestatten Sie, Sir, mich nennen zu dürfen Ihren | ehrfurchtsvollen Bewunderer | Rade | Rendant der zoolog. Section des westfäl. Provinzial-Vereins.4

P.S. Eine Anzahl nachträglich eingegangener Photographien, sowie einige, dem hochverehrten Jubilar gewidmete Gedichte sind dem Album besonders beigefügt.5


For a translation of this letter, see Appendix I.
The date is established by the relationship between this letter and the letter to Emil Rade, 16 February 1877.
The gift was a photograph album, which is still at Down House. Darwin was in fact 68 on 12 February 1877. On the making of the album and for a list of the persons included, see Rade 1877 and Gries 2006.
The full name of the society was Westfälischen Provinzialvereins für Wissenschaft und Kunst (Westphalian Provincial Society for Science and Art).
The album contained 165 photographs of German and Austrian scientists. Seventeen additional photographs were sent; however, these have not been found in the Darwin Archive–CUL or at Down House (see Gries 2006, p. 39). An accompanying series of poems by Friedrich Adler is in DAR 261.11: 30. These have been transcribed and translated in Appendix VI. A number of other poems were included in Rade 1877.


Gries, Brunhild. 2006. Emil Rade (1832–1931), sein Anteil an der naturkundlichen Erforschung Westfalens und das Darwin-Album von 1877. Abhandlungen aus dem Westfälischen Museum für Naturkunde 68 (2): 1–93.

Rade, Emil. 1877. Charles Darwin und seine deutschen Anhänger im Jahre 1876. Eine Geschichte der deutschen Ehrengabe zu Darwin’s 69. Geburtstage. Strasbourg: J. Schneider.


From Emil Rade1   [before 16] February 18772

Münster i./Westf.

February 1877.

Highly esteemed Sir!

With the enclosed celebratory gift, German representatives of free scientific research and German admirers of the great master and role model wish to convey, with immense gratitude, sincere admiration and reverential love, their most heartfelt felicitations on the day on which 69 years ago your life began, a day which was so significant for the world.3 May you be granted, Sir, many more years to work for science and a long time yet to enjoy the fruits of a life that has been so full of glory and industry!

Greatly respected Sir, it will not escape your eyes, before which so much darkness has receded, or your mind, which has solved so many riddles, why, on this day, not all have come forth who have profited from your inestimable gifts—but those who have come forth are united in the firm resolution: to hold high through all darkness the torch you, Sir, have lit, and to assist in letting it become a sun for present and future generations.

Allow me, who has managed to gather together the flower of German researchers in this homage to your immortal services to science, to call myself your | reverent admirer | Rade | accountant of the zoolog. section of the Westphalian Provincial Society.4

P.S. A number of photographs that were received belatedly, as well as some poems dedicated to the most noble celebrant have been appended to the album separately.5


For a transcription of this letter in its original German, see Transcript.
The date is established by the relationship between this letter and the letter to Emil Rade, 16 February 1877.
The gift was a photograph album, which is still at Down House. Darwin was in fact 68 on 12 February 1877. On the making of the album and for a list of the persons included, see Rade 1877 and Gries 2006.
The full name of the society was Westfälischen Provinzialvereins für Wissenschaft und Kunst (Westphalian Provincial Society for Science and Art).
The album contained 165 photographs of German and Austrian scientists. Seventeen additional photographs were sent; however, these have not been found in the Darwin Archive–CUL or at Down House (see Gries 2006, p. 39). An accompanying series of poems by Friedrich Adler is in DAR 261.11: 30. These have been transcribed and translated in Appendix VI. A number of other poems were included in Rade 1877.


Gries, Brunhild. 2006. Emil Rade (1832–1931), sein Anteil an der naturkundlichen Erforschung Westfalens und das Darwin-Album von 1877. Abhandlungen aus dem Westfälischen Museum für Naturkunde 68 (2): 1–93.

Rade, Emil. 1877. Charles Darwin und seine deutschen Anhänger im Jahre 1876. Eine Geschichte der deutschen Ehrengabe zu Darwin’s 69. Geburtstage. Strasbourg: J. Schneider.


Sends album of photographs of German scientists as birthday honour.

Letter details

Letter no.
Emil Rade
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
Source of text
DAR 261.11: 29 (EH 88206080)
Physical description
ALS 3pp (German)

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 10826,” accessed on 3 May 2024,
