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Darwin Correspondence Project

Balfour Stewart


Physicist and meteorologist. Assistant, Kew Observatory, 1856. Assistant lecturer, Edinburgh University, 1856–9. Director, Kew Observatory, 1859–71. Secretary to the government meteorological committee, 1867–9. Professor of natural philosophy, Owens College, Manchester, 1870–87. Worked on radiant heat and the phenomena of sunspots and terrestrial magnetism. With Peter Guthrie Tait, published Unseen universe, seeking to deduce the existence of immortal souls from scientific evidence. Co-founder, Society for Psychical Research. FRS 1862.




ODNB: Oxford dictionary of national biography: from the earliest times to the year 2000. (Revised edition.) Edited by H. C. G. Matthew and Brian Harrison. 60 vols. and index. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2004.
