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Darwin Correspondence Project

Thomas Sims


Photographer. Established a photographic business in Weston-super-Mare in 1847. Moved to London and opened a studio at 44 Upper Albany Street, Regents Park, 1854–5. Following a legal dispute about patents, he re-established his studio in Westbourne Grove, West London, in 1860. In 1868, moved to Tunbridge Wells, where he worked as a photographer until his death. Married Alfred Russel Wallace’s sister, Frances.


Letter from A. R. Wallace, 31 January [1865]

Pritchard 1994, A. R. Wallace 1905, 1: 15, 263.


Pritchard, Michael. 1994. A directory of London photographers, 1841–1908. Revised and expanded edition. Watford, Hertfordshire: PhotoResearch.

Wallace, Alfred Russel. 1905. My life: a record of events and opinions. 2 vols. London: Chapman & Hall.
