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Darwin Correspondence Project

Karl Höchberg


German socialist. As a boy, boarded with Ludwig Büchner. Publisher of the socialist periodicals Die Zukunft and Jahrbuch der Socialwissenschaft und Socialpolitik. Went to Switzerland in 1878, at first for his health, later because he was exiled by anti-socialist laws in Germany. Published under the pseudonyms R. F. Seyffert and Ludwig Richter.


Bernstein 1921, pp. 9, 46, 64

Biographisches Lexikon des Sozialismus



Bernstein, Eduard. 1921. My years of exile: reminiscences of a socialist. Translated by Bernard Miall. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Howe.

Biographisches Lexikon des Sozialismus. By Franz Osterroth. Vol. 1, Verstorbene Persönlichkeiten. No more published. Hannover: J. H. W. Dietz Nachf. 1960.

IBN: Index bio-bibliographicus notorum hominum. Pt C: Corpus alphabeticum sectio generalis. Edited by Jean-Pierre Lobies et al. 200 vols. to date (A–Perkins, Kenneth). Osnabrück, Germany: Biblio Verlag. 1974–.
