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Darwin Correspondence Project

Joseph Duval-Jouve


French botanist, historian, and educator. Worked on self-fertilisation, plant movement, histology, and insectivorous plants. Principal of the college at Grasse, 1846. Inspector of the academy at Algiers from 1852, at Strasbourg from 1854, and at Montpellier from 1868. Honorary inspector by March 1874; retired through ill health in 1877. Published widely on botany, and also on the history of Montpellier.



Duval-Jouve 1874

Flahault 1884

Tort 1996.


DBF: Dictionnaire de biographie Française. Under the direction of J. Balteau et al. 21 vols. and 4 fascicules of vol. 22 (A–Leyris d’Esponchès) to date. Paris: Librairie Letouzey & Ané. 1933–.

Duval-Jouve, Joseph. 1874. Étude histotaxique des Cyperus de France. Académie des sciences et lettres de Montpellier: mémoires de la section des sciences 8 (1872–5): 347–412.

Flahault, Charles. 1884. Notice biographique sur M. Duval-Jouve. [Read 18 April 1884.] Bulletin de la Société botanique de France 2d ser. 6: 167–82.

Tort, Patrick. 1996. Dictionnaire du Darwinisme et de l’evolution. 3 vols. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
