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Darwin Correspondence Project

From W. M. Hacon to Leonard Darwin   14 October 1881

18, Fenchurch Street, | London. | E.C.

14th October 1881

My dear Sir

I send you enclosed, the engrossment of the Conveyance from Mr. Sydney Sales to Mr. Darwin—1

The day of the month should be written in words, at the commencement of the engrossment, before the deed is executed. Mr S. Sales should execute the Conveyance by writing his name opposite the seal at the foot of the deed, where his initials are written in pencil; and placing his finger on the seal, and saying aloud, “I deliver this as my act and deed.”— These formalities should be gone through in the presence of a witness, who should write his name, address, and description, underneath the form of attestation written outside on the deed— Mr. S. Sales should also sign his name underneath the receipt endorsed on the deed, in the presence of the same witness, who should write his name beneath the word “Witness”, under the receipt.

You will be a very fit witness—

I am | My dear Sir | Yours truly | Wm. M Hacon

Leonard Darwin Esqre. | Brompton Barracks | Chatham


The enclosed deed has not been found. It was for a piece of land adjacent to the Down House orchard that CD was purchasing from Sydney Sales in order to construct a tennis court. See letter from W. M. Hacon to Leonard Darwin, 11 October 1881).


Further details on sale of property to CD by Sydney Sales.

Letter details

Letter no.
William Mackmurdo Hacon
Leonard Darwin
Sent from
London, Fenchurch St, 18
Source of text
DAR 166: 33
Physical description
LS 2pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 13400,” accessed on 2 June 2024,
