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Darwin Correspondence Project

To G. J. Romanes   [20 January 1878?]1

6. Q. Anne St.

Sunday Evening

My dear Romanes

I must see you & hear what you are doing before we leave London.— Unless I hear to the contrary, I will call on Tuesday morning pretty early, i.e. somewhere about 10 oclock. I am going to Kew tomorrow morning & that will do for me for whole day.—

yours very truly | C. Darwin


The date is conjectured from CD’s reference to visits to London and to Kew. CD visited his brother, Erasmus Alvey Darwin, at 6 Queen Anne Street, London, from 17 to 23 January 1877 (CD’s ‘Journal’ (Appendix II)). He visited Kew on Tuesday 22 January (letter to Asa Gray, 21 [and 22] January 1878). No reference to a Monday visit to Kew after CD started corresponding with Romanes in 1874 has been found. It is not known whether CD succeeded in meeting Romanes on this occasion.


CD will call on Tuesday morning.

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
George John Romanes
Sent from
London, Queen Anne St, 6
Source of text
American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.484)
Physical description
ALS 1p

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 11328,” accessed on 2 June 2024,
