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Darwin Correspondence Project

From W. E. Darwin   30 October 1873

Bank, Southampton.

Oct 30th 1873

My dear Father,

I went to Alford on Thursday last and bought the 17 acres for £980; I think it is certainly advisable to have done so, in case I ever wish to sell.

I also went over your farm at Beesby; I saw the Cottages. Higgins wanted to write you a long story about one of them but I thought it would save you bother if I wrote.1

There is one cottage with a man & wife & 3 children with only 2 rooms altogether both on the ground which ought to be cleared away; there is another old Cottage one of a pair that is empty now, but which could be made decent for £15 or £20 and would be an improvement for the family who live in the single cottage.

Higgins proposes pulling down the single old Cottage and doing up the other (Hardy your tenant doing something towards it) & moving the family into it.2

It will be probably necessary to build a pair of cottages in 2 or 3 years but is hardly necessary at present   If you will send me a line I will write to Higgins

Your affect son | W. E Darwin


Alford was near Beesby, Lincolnshire, where CD owned a farm. John Higgins was CD’s land-agent for his property in Lincolnshire.
Francis Hardy was CD’s tenant farmer in Beesby. His family has not been identified.


Has visited Alford and Beesby.

Letter details

Letter no.
William Erasmus Darwin
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
Source of text
Cornford Family Papers (DAR 275: 52)
Physical description
ALS 4pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 9117F,” accessed on 3 June 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 24 (Supplement)
