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Darwin Correspondence Project

To W. D. Fox   [8 September 1830]



My dear Fox

I cannot help writing a few lines to say how very sorry I am to hear such bad news about Mrs. Fox, & to beg of you to write to me very soon to me again to say how she is going on.— And I most sincerely hope to receive a favourable account.— I return to Shrewsbury on Friday: soon after which I shall expect a letter.—

I have had very bad shooting this season, the first day I killed 10 brace, since which I have not on any day bagged three.— But I find Maer just as delightful as ever & Charlotte just as agreeable as ever: id est, as agreeable as possible.— I have done a good deal in Entomology, & to day have worked so hard, that I can hardly see to write.—

I am very much obliged for the tin Box. The Enicoceri are invaluable.— But beetles, partridges & every thing else, are as nothing to me, now that I have got a horse.— I am positively in love with him, stands 16 hands & one inch, and I think will make a very good hunter.—

But now I have got on the subject of horses I had better wish you good night.— I shall be very anxious for a letter so I hope you will not disappoint me I sent your letter on to home, & they therefore will be equally anxious to hear.

Good night dear old Fox | Yours Most Sincerely | C. D.—

I am quite knocked up


Very sorry to hear bad news of Mrs Fox.

Shooting not good, but has done some entomology.

Has enjoyed Maer.

Has a horse which he thinks will make a very good hunter.

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
William Darwin Fox
Sent from
Newcastle SE 9 1830
Source of text
Christ’s College Library, Cambridge (MS 53 Fox 32)
Physical description
ALS 3pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 84,” accessed on 10 June 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 1
