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Darwin Correspondence Project

To Woodbine Parish   [January 1839?]

‘I like your book1 very much; it cannot fail to be extremely interesting, I should think, to all those who care for graver things than what the traveller eats and says to the Señoritas.’


Parish 1838. According to Murray’s advertisement in the Publishers circular this book was in press in January 1839.


Parish, Woodbine. 1838. Buenos Ayres, and the provinces of the Rio de la Plata: their present state, trade, and debt; with some account from original documents of the progress of geographical discovery in those parts of South America during the last sixty years. London.


Likes WP’s book [Buenos Ayres and the province of La Plata (1838)]. Thinks it will interest all "who care for graver things than what the traveller eats and says to the Señoritas".

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
Woodbine Parish
Sent from
Source of text
, p. 412 n.

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 398,” accessed on 11 June 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 2
